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Préserver l’emploi sur nos sitesPRESERVING EMPLOYMENT AT OUR SITES

Being inclusive, raising the level of training in our main employment areas and our glassmaking know-how all contribute to the sustainability of our company. The attractiveness of our businesses and the territories where we operate are part of the equation. This is a key component of the Act for Society pillar.

Know-how Verescence



employees enrolled in diploma training cycles in 2019


“champions des territoires” advocates in France, including Verescence


visitors at the Verescence Orne Open Day

Enhancing the value of our businesses and our territories

The French birthplace of Verescence, Glass Valley, is a partner of "Territoires d’industrie” (Industrial Territories), an initiative driven by the new National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT). This initiative supported by the French public authorities seeks to encourage re-industrialization and innovation. Operating in one of the territories identified as an industrial territory, and therefore eligible for the scheme, Verescence became involved in this operation in 2019. Together with other industrial companies, institutions and regional authorities, the aim is to identify, train and house the staff required to co-construct Industry 4.0. (robotics, cobotics, state of the art software, etc.) in our glass bottle manufacturing sector.

Encouraging companies in their steps towards the industry of the future is indeed one of the Territoires d’industrie’s main themes, and a challenge in line with our strategic plan. Concrete examples: managing the intelligent sensors and data that will enable us to monitor the energy efficiency of our plants, thereby reducing consumption and discharges; modernizing our industrial organization in order to increase productivity and competitiveness and respond better and faster to the needs of our markets.

Partner of the "emplois francs" scheme

Fighting unemployment and discrimination in the hiring of job seekers from disadvantaged neighborhoods is an essential part of our Human Resources policy. In the Hauts-de-France region, Verescence has applied for the "emplois francs" scheme. The objective is to provide assistance in hiring job seekers residing in priority neighborhoods, regardless of their age or level of education.

Recovering glass, an aesthetic and clean material

The “Verre 100% Solutions” Commitment Charter sets a goal of 100% recycled glass by 2030, i.e. zero non-recovered waste. Verescence is one step ahead in its business sector thanks to its glass offerings including PCR and eco-designed decorations. As such, in 2019 Verescence developed a tool to identify decorating solutions and their impact on the recyclability of glass. We are already seeing developments in this area from some of our customers.
